Friday, October 23, 2009

Strawberry Delight

Cake! Cake! Baby Joy always exclaims in delight whenever she ses Strawberry Delight! After all, I've started to make this cake with her in mind. Fresh Cream cake filled with generous amts of strawberries...Something tat's not too sweet, light n healthy for the kids.. this sample was made for a mummy who wanted to sample test before ordering a birthday cake for her precious..

Monday, October 19, 2009

Baby Matthew

Baby Matthew's 2 years old! Daddy Melvin and Mummy Vivien are my friends and I'm happy that Matthew's grown so big. Hehe...did a mickey mouse theme as this is one of his favourite character.

Baby Julian

Mummy Caroline wanted an innovative mickey mouse theme. She suggested the 3 black circles design which I thought was simple and sweet.. A pity the M&Ms melted when I was packing the cake. Overall a pretty design! One of my favourites! Oh ya, it's a strawberry fresh cream cake!

Baby Ezra

Did a 2 tier mango fresh cream cake for baby Ezra's 1st birthday. The icing of baby Ezra was part of the party invite and provided by Mummy Felicia. I like the details of the flowers on the circumferences of the cake..but it was "heart" work trying to place all of them neatly. Haha..I really need to get a pair of new glasses..

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Mini chocolate mousse cakes

Have always wanted to do mini cakes and God showed his directions last Sunday! Did a massive mini chocolate mousse cake for my church last weekend! It's massive because it's the first time I made mini ones and for 85 pieces! Really thank God for his grace in helping me fulfill this task! Each mini cake is handmade (It's really a miracle!) and just wanna thank God for giving me this opportunity to do this for the kids. =) Hope they like it.

Friday, October 9, 2009

RE: My 1st Wedding Cake

Recently did a 3 tier wedding cake for my beloved cousin. As I have always preferred not to use fondant (as it's super sweet & high in calories), I decided to do a mango mousse cake, and decorated it with raspberries. I'm glad that it turned out well..

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Mango mousse cake with mini sesame street toppers.

Isaac #2 birthday cake

Did a fresh cream with strawberry filling No.2 cake for baby Isaac to celebrate at his childcare centre. The wordings are coated on a piece of white chocolate as requested by Isaac's mummy. As baby Isaac loves Doraemon and Elmo only, I included them in the cake as well.

Ryden Mickey Mouse Birthday Cake

Did a 2 tier chocolate fudge cake for Baby Boy Ryden. Was supposed to be a chocolate based coating but it didnt turn out nice so I redo it and gave it a light blue fresh cream coating.. which happen to be the colour theme of the birthday party! What a coincedence! Thank God for all the help He gave me to make this cake a successful one. =)