Sunday, December 27, 2009

Baby Zachary

Mummy Kathleen wanted a Barnyard theme for her precious Zachary's 1st birthday. Prior to this, I have not seen this cartoon before..hehe.. so thank you for providing the topper to me. Oh ya, tis is a 2 tier cake with two different flavours: The top tier is chocolate fudge and the bottom tier is fresh cream with strawberry filling cake. =)

1 comment:

  1. Hi William

    All my guests raves about Zachary's birthday cake!!

    The strawberry fresh cream was light and refreshing!! Complements the heavy lunch that was provided. =)
    Too bad I did not get to taste the chocolate fudge cake so I can't provide any comments but I am sure it taste fantastic as well.

    The cake was finished within minutes that I did not even get to have a 2nd helping..even the staff of the club did not get to eat. :(

    I will definitely recommend more ppl to you and order from you again in near future :)

    Thank you once again..
