Saturday, March 13, 2010

Yi Zhe Mcqueen Cars birthday

Did this also a few days ago, also for a childcare party. Have quite a number of childcare parties this week.. anyway, Mummy Ann wanted a Thomas Train and Mcqueen cars theme. She provided the Mcqueen cars as they were Yi Zhe's existing toys. It is a fresh cream with strawberry filling cake, with Thomas train zooming around the cake. hehe..

1 comment:

  1. Thanks William for producing a cake that my boy wanted in a short timeframe, the result was fantastic, the kids in the school were overwhelmed by the train moving round the cake & my son was so proud of his "special" cake, most importantly the taste of the cake was superb, strawberries are fresh, the sponge was soft & fluffy, too bad there wasn't much balance for me to bring home after the party, will order from you again, maybe for my own birthday, hahah!
    William's service was good, the cake arrived on time despite his tight schedule.
    Thanks again & glad I found you!
