Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Lincoln & Lindsey Birthday cake Part III

This is a cake for the birthday celebration at their childcare. Mummy Su chin wanted a chocolate fudge with chocolate coating as well as the two different themes for the twins.. hope they liked it!

1 comment:

  1. Feedback from my family was that the cakes as good as they look. Amazingly everything was finished. Even the strictest weight-watcher was tempted and everyone had second helpings of the cakes.

    I also appreciated the fact that although mine was a last minute order, you tried your best to help and still gave suggestions to ensure that the end product is good.

    It was definitely an ease dealing with you as compared to some of the "branded" cakes shop which had a "take it or leave it kind of attitude".

    I have also recommended you to my colleagues as well - given them the photos of my twins cakes and your blog details.

    P.S. The choc cake which I had ordered for my kids' school seemed a bit dry but in general the kids loved it. The twins were also very happy. Hope you don't mind my honest feedback.

    THANKS and Keep up the good work. :)

    - Mummy Su Chin
