Did this Figurine 3 abt 2 weeks ago also..hehe.. Mummy Hwee Leng had pre-ordered this a few mths ago..and when I knew I had to travel during the weekend she wanted, she was really v.nice to agree to change it to a childcare celebration on a weekday (which I would be able to). Thank you very much for accomodating! This is a fresh cream with strawberry filling cake also...and its also for twins! It's for Yen Ping and Yen Tze's 3rd birthday! Been doing quite a few twins and also a few 3rd birthdays recently..hehe..hope they liked it!
thank you for fulfilling my twins' wish of having a mickey and a minnie cake respectively, trying and eventually succeed in making a "3", the tiny weeny mickey heads and the cream flowers all over...cake was meant for their class of 12 only, but the auntie simply cut and cut till the teacher had to remind her to leave some for me :)1 teacher even have the "audacity" to have a second helping!
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