Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Taro Aeroplane cake

Did an aeroplane theme over the last weekend for Teacher Joi's beloved's birthday...She wanted a chocolate cake and also maybe an aeroplane theme since Taro likes aeroplanes... I had a hard time looking for a nice aeroplane..but while shopping for Joy's toys, I found this Mcqueen plane that really looks quite cute.. :)

Sweet heart Anniversary cake

Did this strawberry sweetie for my Queen..thot it was meant for our wedding anniversary..haha..but i guessed i was wrong..she ordered it for one of her clients..hehe..so blur me...thot she wanted to give me a surprise, but in the end, i got an even bigger surprise.. anyway, its for a couple who wanted it to commemorate their wedding anniversary.. i hope they like the design!

Baby Jayden Birthday cake

Did this figurine 1 cake over the last weekend for Baby Jayden's 1st birthday. Mummy Josephine wanted a fresh cream with mango fillings and had requested for this Pooh Soapblock racers toys on the cake. This happens to be my last cake toppers, so to everyone out there, I'm sorry but no more okie? Bought these range of toppers/toys a long time ago, but it only got really popular in these 2 mths..nevertheless, i hope that they liked the cake!

Bianca Birthday cake

Did this heartshape chocolate abbie for Doreen's colleague, Bianca's 27th birthday. Doreen and her colleagues are fans of my cakes and having tasted the more regular flavours like fresh cream with strawberry and the mango mousse cake, they were v.open to more flavours. I suggested chocolate abbie as its one of the favourites among adults... I also added a few piggy toppers as Bianca happens to be born in the year of Pig..hehe..same as me and joy..anyway, I hope they liked it!

Ayden Birthday cake

Did this simple fresh cream with strawberry filling cake for Ayden's 3rd birthday recently.. mummy May wanted a more boyish design and also requested for the cake to be in blue...instead of adding the usual mashmallows, I opted to put the Mickey pellets around the circumference of the cake..i hope she liked it!

Yen Ping & Yen Tze Birthday cake

Did this Figurine 3 abt 2 weeks ago also..hehe.. Mummy Hwee Leng had pre-ordered this a few mths ago..and when I knew I had to travel during the weekend she wanted, she was really v.nice to agree to change it to a childcare celebration on a weekday (which I would be able to). Thank you very much for accomodating! This is a fresh cream with strawberry filling cake also...and its also for twins! It's for Yen Ping and Yen Tze's 3rd birthday! Been doing quite a few twins and also a few 3rd birthdays recently..hehe..hope they liked it!

Clarice birthday cake

Was downloading all the pics in my camera over the weekend...when I saw this cake pic...hehe.. this was ordered (i tink) in may...but somehow, i forgot to download the pics...and it was always sitting inside my camera..anyway, its a 3 kg, 2 tier, Pooh & Friends theme. Flavour is fresh cream with strawberry filling...I hope they liked the cake! Sorry for the delay!

Zi Ting Birthday cake

Did a mango mousse cake for Zi Ting's birthday..also abt 2 weeks ago..hahahah... Mummy had reservations about ordering in the first place as she's not tried our cakes before this. I'm glad that she liked the cake...

Biru Birthday cake

Did this simple chocolate abbie for our dear Biru's birthday.. she's a fan of rich chocolate cakes and we had wanted to give her surprise, especially with her favourite character..hmm, hope she likes the sweet surprise!

Lincoln & Lindsey Birthday cake Part III

This is a cake for the birthday celebration at their childcare. Mummy Su chin wanted a chocolate fudge with chocolate coating as well as the two different themes for the twins.. hope they liked it!

Lincoln Birthday cake Part II

This is also a fresh cream with strawberry filling cake for Lincoln's birthday... hope they liked it!

Lindsey Bithday cake Part I

Did this simple cake for Lindsey's 3rd birthday almost 3weeks ago..hehe..is so outdated w my posts..anyway, Lindsey had a joint celebration with her twin brother, lincoln, over one of the weekends and also at their childcare. This is a simple fresh cream with strawberry filling..

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Aidan Birthday cake

Did this birthday cake for Aidan's 2nd birthday. Honestly, I'm very grateful for Mummy Bettina's support and encouragement. If not for her, I think I wouldnt have started doing cakes for children party. Time flies and its been a year since I made aidan's 1st birthday cake, also my first children's birthday cake. I had no prior experience to doing it ( I mean, yes, I bake, but its all the generic looking cakes, not something for kids' party) and if not that she had insisted that she wanted me to bake the cake, I wouldnt have embarked on this path at all. I'm just so happy that she gave me the chance to bake a cake again for Aidan's 2nd birthday, with the same theme! Just that this time round, she wanted just a family celebration and had requested it to be simpler. Nevertheless, I like to say a BIG THANK YOu to you again! Thanks!

Estelle 1st birthday cake

Did a figurine 1 cake for Baby Estelle's 1st birthday. Mummy Lei wanted a pinkish and girlish theme and a chocolate fudge cake as well! (Wow! So many chocolate fudge cakes this week)
I hope they liked it! :)

Joint Birthday Party!

Did a very interesting birthday request over the last weekend. Anna had a joint birthday celebration for her parents and her nephew, Ben. So the ages of the birthday girl and boys are 3, 63 & 69. I really had a big headache for the cake coz anna wanted 2 heartshape cakes, one in chocolate fudge, and the other in mango mousse... plus the ages differennce..hehe.. well, in the end, i just used a bigger cake board to include all the decorations. I hope they liked it!

Keith Birthday cake

Did a simple chocolate fudge with chocolate coating for Keith's 1st birthday. Mummy Karen liked the flower mashmallows and requested them on the cake. I hope they liked it!

Ishir Birthday cake

Did this Figurine 2 cake quite a while ago also... Mummy Sushma actually wanted the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse topper but I didnt have stock of that. She was willing to use this Safari topper and I think overall I like the effect of the cake! I just hope that she liked it too...This is also a chocolate fudge cake as well. :)

Baby Kieran 1st Birthday cake

Did this Figurine 1 cake about 2 weeks ago for Angela's nephew. She wanted a very colourful chocolate fudge cake for the birthday boy and I'm glad that they liked it!